Suami isteri keringkan bdn bwh meja.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Anak anak.
Hari ni tbangun kul 4 sbb alarm utk zohor, but then terlelap balik. Mimpi smbhyang zohor kt pondok mana tah, then suddenly afiq called utk kejut smyg zohor. haha Seb baek, he called at 4.25, tu pun da nak masuk asar, xpsl2 kne qada' kang. So bangun la mcm mayat hidup, smbhyang zoho, then xbukak tlekung sbb nk tunggu asar skaly. Trus kuar bilik cek meja, oh! ade Pisang Goreng! Goreng Pisang! mane2 la kan. mkn satu, bukak laptop, then bukak mysoju, bukak fb. Then asar. G kencing basuh muke, then cek meja lagi, ade nasi putih and lauk ikan pari msk asam, ikan msk lemak kot, kcg panjang and kicap (mama letak tepi bungkusan tu sbb die tau i always refuse to get it myself, jauh la fridge) so makan while watching BOF. or BBF. semalam da la tgk until 7am, tp baru sampai episode 17. lambat betul. sumenye da la 25 episodes, mati betul nk abeskn semua. Then abes mkn pg bsuh tgn, and korek fridge cr carrots for iskandar n isabell. Tapi tgh bagi tu cm kesian lak sbb dorg nk keluar, so biarkan merayau. First thing to do! tutup pintu bilik mama, nnt die bising hahabes. Then tutup bilik smayang, but xtutup my room, i just removed the wires so that it wont ge putus. Isabell da berlari2 msk bwh katil, tu mmg favourite spot die. Iskandar lak lepak tepi laptop. Tgn die cm kotor tau, mcm coklat2. So igt nk basuhkn tgn je, tibe2 dlm toilet tu rs nk mandikan die lak. So mandikan die, comel. Lompat2, tp xbising mcm mandikn kucing. sbb dorg kan bisu. haha. Tapi! xhilang pun kotor tu. hampeh je. then amek towel muke sape tah, lap bdn iskandar and biarkan die keringkn bdn die sendri. I cant help with anything la since my hairdryer is at kolej, in Diba's room. Then mandikan isabell, isabell rakus skit. terlompat sana sini, iskandar lg baik je klau mandi. So thats all. My anak2 mandi. But me myself xmandi lagi ;DD kejap lagi la pukul 6. Plus, if mandi awal nnt cpt busuk plak kn. Da la kul 8 afiq dtg, oke taa.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Hee. Freshman tu xde apa, saja letak which means first year. which is the first year of me with him. It was a lot of chaos and fights, tapi about 1%. the other portions are filled with laughters and ckp mrepek. A year with him felt so short, rase mcm baru semalam nmpk die pegi depan stage amek hadiah from cikgu bilogy sbb dpt a. and rs mcm baru smlm nmpk die lalu depan mata ngn ayah time hari pendaftaran kt upm. haha. time tu klaka, sbb time tu tgh lepak2 dgn mama bwh kemah, usha2 org lalu lalang, sibuk cr laki hot kt tmpt baru. and mcm ade jodoh, nmpk die lalu, mase tu die mcm dtg lmbt kot. haha. slambe je dtg lmbt dgn beg nike die ngn ayah. time tu kecoh2 ckp kt mama bdak tu same kuliah kt matrik. hm. sape sangke kn, budak yg jmpe skali 2 tu yg jd teman hidup smpai skang. Mungkin mmg da lame dpn mata, da lame diplan utk jmpe, tp tnggu masa je nk kenal n fall in love. tak sampai 2minggu kt upm, da kenal. sebab, Malam Tunas Budaya 2008.
Kami xrpt pun tme tu, sama je mcm kenal bdak2 lain kt mtb, tapi die mmg friendly la, sdar2 je da cek2 hp masing2. kononnya cek lagu kt hp die la, pdhal tgk sume bende haha. Funny. Time nmpk gamba die celebrate bday ngn kak nad, entah kenapa jealous. Rs mcm ala melepas, die ni da ade awek rupanya. Hmph. haha. bila tanya, awek ehh. tak die ckp. kakak angkat. dlm hati, YE la tu, ade awek ngaku je. player kot sbb xngaku. hehe. tapi pelik, player2 pun byk lagu nasyid kt hp. HEKK. time tu xde la buruk sangka sgt, maybe mmg btul2 kakak angkat n die ni bdak baik sbb lagu nasyid bertimbunnn. andd. lagu boy band! hehe. xckp pun boy band tu teruk. tp mcm pelik la, guys kn slalu dgn rock bands. hm, mmg lain dr lain.
Then, mlm MTB, he, suddenly mssged me good luck. weird. but that really made me happy and kinda got the hint. maybe he likes me? sbb sepanjang practise mtb tu mmg slambe la kwn. siap penah tego mendada byk skit time jadi pempuan nakhoda kapal tu. segan gile time tu kne mendada dpn byk laki yg tgh tgk. cih, siot, seb baek mtb n org xbwat muke pelik. anyways, after that kenal2. kes halimi, then rpt balik thru the help off ghaaann. haha. thank you so much, u helped a lot. first date, time ikan bakar. hehe, time tu awkward kot. xigt sgt, yg igt, sepak die sbb ape tah haha. tkejut muke die time tu. maybe xbiase kne sepak ngn pmpuan? hhe. msty la, sape biase kn. pape pun, lps tu makin rpt n cple.
Orite, bout couple. masa tu anjing menyalak and perasaan haru biru sbb xsure. but i dont know why, i pushed myself. i keep on telling myself just grab the guy! or else ure gonna lose him. mcm desperate? tp rasa mcm xnk pk byk kali. rs mcm time tu nk trime je and try. taknak hesitate, nanti la cple, mggu dpn ke ape. xnk cmtu. rs mcm hes good enough for me to accept je time tu. which i dont know that maybe its not a good thing to do since im not ready? but today. i realize that IT DOESNT MATTER WEH. i need to remind myself that from now on. cause, it doesnt matter when the relationship starts, lmbt skit ble ready ke. main cple bile nk ke. sama je kan. its the same person. i like him, he likes me. dah la. fullstopppp haha. sadly, in that 1year, i kept on saying i regret that moment where i accepted him to early. sbb back then, i havent realize yet that its not a big deal pun. kapel lmbt ke cpt ke, sama je. flirting lame2 pun, kapel jgak. flirting skejap pun, sama je. yg penting memories after that. fortunately, he made me realize the truth. i shudnt regret that, it was the start of us, knape nk regret kn. problem je aku ni. mesti sbb ragu2 la nih. xabes2. pdhal da elok sgt da, nk hesitate ape lg.
The thing is, i always hesitate on things. lps beli something, rs mcm salah pilih. lepas ape2 pun xconfident. he said that im lack of self confidence? maybe la kot. mcm betul kn. and maybe i just dont have the right faith. im just too curious. too teliti smpai takut nk amek risk and believe on things. takut nk accept things that i nvr encounter b4? ntah. wtvr it is, i dont wanna do it again. i feel that its unfair to him? just bcause i dont trust myself, doesnt mean that i cant trst him kn. plus hes been the most trustable person in earth skang ni, other than my parents. hw cud i not just be confident and live with him for the rest of my fucking breaths kn. cuak sgt jmpe org yg lg better and tgglkn die. pdhal u know it urself that u wud never ever ever find anyone better than him. obvious kot. weh, sape je kt dunia ni yg pnah bwat cmtu. even ur friends pun xde mcm tu dpt. apprciate laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. allah. ape la problem sbenarnya. tp bile pk2 balik, rs mcm xde masalah. da jmpe, dia baik. im not, really. so try to be la. for his sake. for everyones sake. plus, i shud stop being selfish. no. not really right. i believe i shud stop being careless of other people. stop thinking that its all about me. 70% that its about other ppl. just 30% about me? bleh ke cmtu. possible ke. haih. i shud do this. i must. cuz if i try, i know ill be a better person. hw can i be a doctor if i dont give a damn abt other ppl. unless org tu menangis n merayu2 baru nk kesian, halahai, kesian patient aku. i shud think more la abt other ppl. life is nt abt me. confirm. its abt me annnddd others. penatnya type. bile nk tido ni.
pape pun. im just so happy about our anniversary. i mean. honestly. i know im a little bit (10%) dissapointed abt the bag. but seriously, i shudnt be that demanding la. its a sembonia bag worth 400something. why shud i be complaining. just because im obsessed over guess bags, doesnt mean that other bags arent worth hundreds of money. kan? plus, mama gave paris hiltons bag, i complained also at first, then later suke plak sgt2. xconsistent btul aku ni, mcm pulsatile secretion of hormones. wtvr it is, its a beautiful bag. white. with cantik gilaaaaaa keychain dia. and dpt bag free kaler hitam, bag yg go green blabla kinda bag. cun! and pastu dpt perfumee. wood! yayay. suka suka! suka suka suka! wangi. and lagi suka sbb sama brand dgn die. besh. mcm dulu2 same brand due2 pkai ck. besh. pastuu. yg buat menangis. dpt album! peeeeenuhhh gamba kitorg. sume gamba dlm masa 1tahun ni. plg sebak time tgk gamba isabell n iskandar. rs mcm tgk lambang cinta. mcm, eventho ktorg punye relationship, tp die bole ade thought utk letak gamba anak2 kitorg. gila la. sgt menyebakkan. time tu da meleleh air mata. haha. bagusnya laki mcm ni. xpenah dijumpa org. mcm alien dtg dr langit, menyerupai manusia and hati mcm putih berlian permata dlm sarung siput. and rmbt yg hot haha. pastu. hehe. yg paling comel, cincin! hehe. comel, agak kejantanan tapi cantik sbenarnya. mule2 td mmg aku pun yg ternampak n suke. pastu bile da pkai cm ragu2. pastu suke balik. gile psycho, sakit jiwe afiq melayan. tp sbenarnya konklusinya mmg btul2 suke la ring ni. da la same size jari. jodo xjodo kn? hehe. but lain skit je la sbb die nk lg slesa. 16mm and 16.5mm. ape lg. hoh! baru tau td die pakat ngn yog, dodi and mamaaaaaa. mama tipu. konon2 ade pakcik gas nk dtg rmah. patutlah pakai tudung cantik2. kalau pakcik gas dtg, slalu slekeh je. peh. tpuuu! rupanya yog ngn dodi nk anta hadiah. afiq la ni plan suprise2 cmni. time bday dulu si ira jadi mangsa kne angkat sangkar rabbit naik tingkat 4 haha. pelik betul. haha klakar. kesian yog ngn dodi kne tunggu lama, time turun tu tudung lak buat hal. kne lama skit siap. haha. thanks la kt dorg sbb sanggup tlg afiq. xpe, next time ktorg tlg je korg balik okeh. ala mcm korg bace pun. xpe. niat dpt phale haha. hmm.
pastu td g klcc la beli rings kt mimosa, tapi name die skang ape tah bausch ape tah. tu lepas lnch kt madam kwans. mkn bende biase je. dgn org sebelah bergosip mcm kretapi, gosip mahathir ngn najib sume kuar. ape la dorg ni. memekak. afiq smpai jatuh2 pisau haha. aku smpai berjanggut kuah pasta bolognese. pastu smayang, rayau2. tgk cite ninja assasin. mata sepet betul rain tu. ape lah si mas suke sgt. tapi hot la jgak kdg2. hmph. biase je la. tuka muke ngn afiq lg bagus. haha. nway pastu dinner kt restoran seafood ptrajaya. gelap seh. mcm laluan tmpt kne rogol haha. sengal je. gelap gelita mcm ade vampire pun bole. rupanya tu laluan belakang restoran tu. so mkn2. lauk ketam 60inggit, ceh mahal. susah nk mkn tp comel afiq mkn cm bdak kecik. mcm mama, suke mkn ketam. udang pun syedap. paling sedap, laaammmbb ribs. huh. then mkn eskrim n air juice biase la. then blah balik umah. haha. mama kantoikan ade hadiah dlm bilik. then terjadilah sesi bukak hadiah sorg2 dlm bilik smbil afiq kt luar tgh on9. comel. terharu sgt. rasa mcm nak kahwin je terus ngn laki kt luar tu. baik sgt smpai xnk hesitate lg. rs mcm nk kahwin je. even klau hesitate pasni pun at least da kawin. ciom je mulut xhesitate da. skang xleh ciom lg. so cm klau hesitate xleh wat pape hahahaha. gtl. eih da la. nk tido. yayay dpt cincin! pfume wanggeeeeeee. nk mimpi kawin. esok dating. esok esok esok, xboringnye. boring skit2 je sbb xbetul otak klau xmkn n xsmayang n xngaji. haish. byk polong ikut la ni. bodo antu, gi la ikut org laen. ok byee. saye syg afiq sgt2. nak kahwin.
Kami xrpt pun tme tu, sama je mcm kenal bdak2 lain kt mtb, tapi die mmg friendly la, sdar2 je da cek2 hp masing2. kononnya cek lagu kt hp die la, pdhal tgk sume bende haha. Funny. Time nmpk gamba die celebrate bday ngn kak nad, entah kenapa jealous. Rs mcm ala melepas, die ni da ade awek rupanya. Hmph. haha. bila tanya, awek ehh. tak die ckp. kakak angkat. dlm hati, YE la tu, ade awek ngaku je. player kot sbb xngaku. hehe. tapi pelik, player2 pun byk lagu nasyid kt hp. HEKK. time tu xde la buruk sangka sgt, maybe mmg btul2 kakak angkat n die ni bdak baik sbb lagu nasyid bertimbunnn. andd. lagu boy band! hehe. xckp pun boy band tu teruk. tp mcm pelik la, guys kn slalu dgn rock bands. hm, mmg lain dr lain.
Then, mlm MTB, he, suddenly mssged me good luck. weird. but that really made me happy and kinda got the hint. maybe he likes me? sbb sepanjang practise mtb tu mmg slambe la kwn. siap penah tego mendada byk skit time jadi pempuan nakhoda kapal tu. segan gile time tu kne mendada dpn byk laki yg tgh tgk. cih, siot, seb baek mtb n org xbwat muke pelik. anyways, after that kenal2. kes halimi, then rpt balik thru the help off ghaaann. haha. thank you so much, u helped a lot. first date, time ikan bakar. hehe, time tu awkward kot. xigt sgt, yg igt, sepak die sbb ape tah haha. tkejut muke die time tu. maybe xbiase kne sepak ngn pmpuan? hhe. msty la, sape biase kn. pape pun, lps tu makin rpt n cple.
Orite, bout couple. masa tu anjing menyalak and perasaan haru biru sbb xsure. but i dont know why, i pushed myself. i keep on telling myself just grab the guy! or else ure gonna lose him. mcm desperate? tp rasa mcm xnk pk byk kali. rs mcm time tu nk trime je and try. taknak hesitate, nanti la cple, mggu dpn ke ape. xnk cmtu. rs mcm hes good enough for me to accept je time tu. which i dont know that maybe its not a good thing to do since im not ready? but today. i realize that IT DOESNT MATTER WEH. i need to remind myself that from now on. cause, it doesnt matter when the relationship starts, lmbt skit ble ready ke. main cple bile nk ke. sama je kan. its the same person. i like him, he likes me. dah la. fullstopppp haha. sadly, in that 1year, i kept on saying i regret that moment where i accepted him to early. sbb back then, i havent realize yet that its not a big deal pun. kapel lmbt ke cpt ke, sama je. flirting lame2 pun, kapel jgak. flirting skejap pun, sama je. yg penting memories after that. fortunately, he made me realize the truth. i shudnt regret that, it was the start of us, knape nk regret kn. problem je aku ni. mesti sbb ragu2 la nih. xabes2. pdhal da elok sgt da, nk hesitate ape lg.
The thing is, i always hesitate on things. lps beli something, rs mcm salah pilih. lepas ape2 pun xconfident. he said that im lack of self confidence? maybe la kot. mcm betul kn. and maybe i just dont have the right faith. im just too curious. too teliti smpai takut nk amek risk and believe on things. takut nk accept things that i nvr encounter b4? ntah. wtvr it is, i dont wanna do it again. i feel that its unfair to him? just bcause i dont trust myself, doesnt mean that i cant trst him kn. plus hes been the most trustable person in earth skang ni, other than my parents. hw cud i not just be confident and live with him for the rest of my fucking breaths kn. cuak sgt jmpe org yg lg better and tgglkn die. pdhal u know it urself that u wud never ever ever find anyone better than him. obvious kot. weh, sape je kt dunia ni yg pnah bwat cmtu. even ur friends pun xde mcm tu dpt. apprciate laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. allah. ape la problem sbenarnya. tp bile pk2 balik, rs mcm xde masalah. da jmpe, dia baik. im not, really. so try to be la. for his sake. for everyones sake. plus, i shud stop being selfish. no. not really right. i believe i shud stop being careless of other people. stop thinking that its all about me. 70% that its about other ppl. just 30% about me? bleh ke cmtu. possible ke. haih. i shud do this. i must. cuz if i try, i know ill be a better person. hw can i be a doctor if i dont give a damn abt other ppl. unless org tu menangis n merayu2 baru nk kesian, halahai, kesian patient aku. i shud think more la abt other ppl. life is nt abt me. confirm. its abt me annnddd others. penatnya type. bile nk tido ni.
pape pun. im just so happy about our anniversary. i mean. honestly. i know im a little bit (10%) dissapointed abt the bag. but seriously, i shudnt be that demanding la. its a sembonia bag worth 400something. why shud i be complaining. just because im obsessed over guess bags, doesnt mean that other bags arent worth hundreds of money. kan? plus, mama gave paris hiltons bag, i complained also at first, then later suke plak sgt2. xconsistent btul aku ni, mcm pulsatile secretion of hormones. wtvr it is, its a beautiful bag. white. with cantik gilaaaaaa keychain dia. and dpt bag free kaler hitam, bag yg go green blabla kinda bag. cun! and pastu dpt perfumee. wood! yayay. suka suka! suka suka suka! wangi. and lagi suka sbb sama brand dgn die. besh. mcm dulu2 same brand due2 pkai ck. besh. pastuu. yg buat menangis. dpt album! peeeeenuhhh gamba kitorg. sume gamba dlm masa 1tahun ni. plg sebak time tgk gamba isabell n iskandar. rs mcm tgk lambang cinta. mcm, eventho ktorg punye relationship, tp die bole ade thought utk letak gamba anak2 kitorg. gila la. sgt menyebakkan. time tu da meleleh air mata. haha. bagusnya laki mcm ni. xpenah dijumpa org. mcm alien dtg dr langit, menyerupai manusia and hati mcm putih berlian permata dlm sarung siput. and rmbt yg hot haha. pastu. hehe. yg paling comel, cincin! hehe. comel, agak kejantanan tapi cantik sbenarnya. mule2 td mmg aku pun yg ternampak n suke. pastu bile da pkai cm ragu2. pastu suke balik. gile psycho, sakit jiwe afiq melayan. tp sbenarnya konklusinya mmg btul2 suke la ring ni. da la same size jari. jodo xjodo kn? hehe. but lain skit je la sbb die nk lg slesa. 16mm and 16.5mm. ape lg. hoh! baru tau td die pakat ngn yog, dodi and mamaaaaaa. mama tipu. konon2 ade pakcik gas nk dtg rmah. patutlah pakai tudung cantik2. kalau pakcik gas dtg, slalu slekeh je. peh. tpuuu! rupanya yog ngn dodi nk anta hadiah. afiq la ni plan suprise2 cmni. time bday dulu si ira jadi mangsa kne angkat sangkar rabbit naik tingkat 4 haha. pelik betul. haha klakar. kesian yog ngn dodi kne tunggu lama, time turun tu tudung lak buat hal. kne lama skit siap. haha. thanks la kt dorg sbb sanggup tlg afiq. xpe, next time ktorg tlg je korg balik okeh. ala mcm korg bace pun. xpe. niat dpt phale haha. hmm.
pastu td g klcc la beli rings kt mimosa, tapi name die skang ape tah bausch ape tah. tu lepas lnch kt madam kwans. mkn bende biase je. dgn org sebelah bergosip mcm kretapi, gosip mahathir ngn najib sume kuar. ape la dorg ni. memekak. afiq smpai jatuh2 pisau haha. aku smpai berjanggut kuah pasta bolognese. pastu smayang, rayau2. tgk cite ninja assasin. mata sepet betul rain tu. ape lah si mas suke sgt. tapi hot la jgak kdg2. hmph. biase je la. tuka muke ngn afiq lg bagus. haha. nway pastu dinner kt restoran seafood ptrajaya. gelap seh. mcm laluan tmpt kne rogol haha. sengal je. gelap gelita mcm ade vampire pun bole. rupanya tu laluan belakang restoran tu. so mkn2. lauk ketam 60inggit, ceh mahal. susah nk mkn tp comel afiq mkn cm bdak kecik. mcm mama, suke mkn ketam. udang pun syedap. paling sedap, laaammmbb ribs. huh. then mkn eskrim n air juice biase la. then blah balik umah. haha. mama kantoikan ade hadiah dlm bilik. then terjadilah sesi bukak hadiah sorg2 dlm bilik smbil afiq kt luar tgh on9. comel. terharu sgt. rasa mcm nak kahwin je terus ngn laki kt luar tu. baik sgt smpai xnk hesitate lg. rs mcm nk kahwin je. even klau hesitate pasni pun at least da kawin. ciom je mulut xhesitate da. skang xleh ciom lg. so cm klau hesitate xleh wat pape hahahaha. gtl. eih da la. nk tido. yayay dpt cincin! pfume wanggeeeeeee. nk mimpi kawin. esok dating. esok esok esok, xboringnye. boring skit2 je sbb xbetul otak klau xmkn n xsmayang n xngaji. haish. byk polong ikut la ni. bodo antu, gi la ikut org laen. ok byee. saye syg afiq sgt2. nak kahwin.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Since the semester started, I seriously have no time to update at all. And a bit of lazy to update actually. This semester is pretty interesting, very BUSY! and the contents of our lectures are all too detailed and too packed up with facts!
the first module was about microbiology, all the bacterias and viruses. which is too many! but thank god my assessment marks were okay. both of the assessments. the 2nd module was mpe, the first assessment mark was ok, the 2nd one hasnt come out yet. i hope its higher than the 1st la.
now im studying the cardiovascular system, (heart, blood thingy) pretty cool. My practical times became more and more interesting compared to mbb and mpe practical which was quiet boring since we had to draw the organisms. but this module, we get to see the cadavers! 4 indian cadavers, i think. i got to play the hearts, the vessels and all.
we are also studying about the urinary system and respiratory system too. so, just this morning, i got to put a stick through a penis ( the cadaver's) because i need to detect the passage of the urine. very cool. i did it 3 times, and i told afiq about it haha. at first the doctor did it infront of us, the guys were all shocked and mcm tkejut je haha. klakar. as if they can feel the pain. heh.
nway i wanna bebel about something else actually. about my birthday celebration last week, tp nanti la. i havent upload the pictures yet.
the first module was about microbiology, all the bacterias and viruses. which is too many! but thank god my assessment marks were okay. both of the assessments. the 2nd module was mpe, the first assessment mark was ok, the 2nd one hasnt come out yet. i hope its higher than the 1st la.
now im studying the cardiovascular system, (heart, blood thingy) pretty cool. My practical times became more and more interesting compared to mbb and mpe practical which was quiet boring since we had to draw the organisms. but this module, we get to see the cadavers! 4 indian cadavers, i think. i got to play the hearts, the vessels and all.
we are also studying about the urinary system and respiratory system too. so, just this morning, i got to put a stick through a penis ( the cadaver's) because i need to detect the passage of the urine. very cool. i did it 3 times, and i told afiq about it haha. at first the doctor did it infront of us, the guys were all shocked and mcm tkejut je haha. klakar. as if they can feel the pain. heh.
nway i wanna bebel about something else actually. about my birthday celebration last week, tp nanti la. i havent upload the pictures yet.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
so many things happened for the past few days






- went out with mei kei, sya, munky, shida and her boyfriend (stuart), syaz who came late, haha as always. then fareez and acap came. bought 2 tops at forever 21, went to borak2 for a while at carlos, syaz met her amad (they are officially together, now i know haha, but i knew it 1 week before so its okay la) there are 3 other guys which i didnt know who, oh i know 1, its omar i think, the other 2 i dont know. one chinese and one botak malay guy, hes very talkative, that one i notice because he keeps on ranting on whatever i dont even care to listen. then syaz wanted to eat something, so we went to nz behind pavi. i dnt wanna go actually but acap conviced me that its less than 50 langkah. but i bet its more than that, if not he have to blanje me, i won, so he blanje me maggi goreng with teh ice. he blanje other ppl too. talk talk talk then ed came, shes pretty now, long hair, studying art ke ape she said. then later i blah, cause shida and stuart also wanna blah lepak at ampang. mommy came pavi, so i lepak with mommy, bought a brown bag at mng and a sandal at vincci. so thats it kot. later at home gayut with afiq for hours as usual, he was missing me so bad that i have to console him haha. how adorable. then tido.
- then xigt la. what day or what. went driving lessons. very annoying but i have to. mommy was so serious about it. ggrrh.
- went to upm, afiq take me out to alamanda for lunch. another day, he bwk me to mines, ate sushi, paid my bills, blabla.
- went out to times square and low yatt with dyana, hud and afiq. dyana came all the way from johor just because of her handphone that she bought the day before, she wanted to trade it for another flip handphone. but later she discuss2 discuss. then xjadi. however, die dpt banyak handphone pouch, because that cina felt sorry for her perh. then jalan2. had dinner. dyana went home to johor. bought 3 cakes. different flavours. then balik. oh mase keluar tu, yana found out hud kluar with us, so she kind of mrajuk la. so hud decided to go to terenggany to pujuk her haha. how sweet. obviously they have something but they dont wanna declare. haish. nevermind, as long as theyre happy.
- pastu tadi, afiq came to my house. bercinta skejap haha. then he said hud da balik kl. then afiq pick him up, i followed him. then afiq hantar me home at 7. then he went to upm with hud. oh, he gave me his tshirt, that smells really bloody good, angau! tgh pakai pun tshirt die skang ni haha.
- ape lg eh, oh. my undang2 test, i got 47/50. in just 12 minutes. hehe, thank god. and that day i lost my L card, so tomorrow i have to go to JPJ to get it back. tomorrow also i have to go to the 6hours taklimat. lecehnya. haish. its at 8.30 plak tu. confirm2 pakcik din tu dtg lambat. ggrr. i wish i had a diff instructor. ntah la. xbest la. nvm, redah je.
- thats all kot. haha. pictures;
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Koreaaa. I Love.

the art of seduction (movie)

unstoppable marriage (movie)

love marriage (drama)
these past few days ive been watching lots and lots of korean dramas and movies. im sooo bloody addicted i didnt even shower haha. other korean dramas which is worthy of ur time to watch are
- couple or trouble
- coffee prince
- only you
- full house
- get karl! oh soo jung
- my girl
- super rookie
- witch yoo hee
- hana kimi
- hana yori dango I & II
- my boss my hero
- absolute boyfriend (zettai kareshi)
Monday, January 12, 2009
The Gardens.
oh, before my holiday started, the day before my result came out, neda came to my college and stayed over there for 2 days. my result was gempaaaak~. haha alhamdulillah. i made it to top 50, i got the 31st place. from 123 medical students. which is okay la kan? heh. but yana is much better la, she got the 29th place. afiqs at 37th, shamims at 49th. my other coursemates, bad and farah is really frikkin clever weh. sorg dpt 4th place, sorg lg 11th. hmm. need to study more. chayok2. xpe, next sem haha.
oh then that evening i went out with neda, munky and sya. afiq tlg hantakan to midvalley. hmm i missed them so much so neda planned the get-together lah. we went to mid first, but i wanna go to gardens cause its more crowd-free there. munky came late as usual haha. neda and me ate ice cream while waiting for sya and munky to come. then we merayau and merayau. went to ylang ylang, bought a necklace. then my long lost petbrother came. cause neda invited him. and uh. we havent met in a long time, so it was kinda awkward. no, its really, very awkward. since he looks so weird, plus the weird dressup. so i dont really care and ignored him haha. mean? yes. but who cares. its not like he cared anyway. the petbropetsis thingy is just a joke pun dulu2. bukan betul. and since neda is the one who made him come, so i asked neda to get rid of him. oh, before that, kitorg sempat jd camwhores dlm toilet gardens haha. masa lunch pun bgambar.

then munky and sya went home. me and neda waited for my deary boyfriend to come. but before that the three of us had dinner at paddington pancakes, i didnt remember what i ordered, but it was nice. then we went home, neda stayed at my college for another night. and the next morning afiq sent her at the nearest ktm. ;))
Holidays can be boring at times.
Yeah, so now im in the first semester break. its just for a month, yeah, too short i know. but i dont mind since a month of staying at home is enough for me. theres nothing much to do, just a lot of hanging out at home or shopping malls. haha. i just love shopping malls. oh and the best thing is, the jpa money for 2nd sem is in. wohoo. its kinda early la compared to the last sem. last sem, the jpa money got in late for 4 months. but its good la, cause i can spend the 4months money sesuka hati after that ^^ takut jgak, cause the jpa money for 2nd sem masuk cpt, im afraid that ill spend it before the 6months ends. hmm, sangat shopaholic.

the camera and the handphone.

the purse is kinda big but i like it. ^^

who were there : shidee, munky, neda, laila, haf and faiz.

Sunday, January 11, 2009
new post! haha.

im completely clueless. haha! aku rindu abah. (abah aku bkn mcm ni ye. hee aku yg paksa abah pakai shades aku)
blogging are supposed to be easy kn. damn la. or maybe im just slow hehe.
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