first things first, jenny stupid jenny stupiddddddddddddddd!
whyd u have to sleep with chuck of all the people in the world! u stupid bitch. i hate YOU! and chuck! u stupid man! u should have waited blair for a few days, or at least a few hours u moron! poor blaaaaaaaaaiiiirrrr!!! if not he would have proposed, and NOW! he was shot somewhere in the alley due to the ring! stupid thieves! agh. hes stupider! assface! why in hell was he doing at the alley. affffffffffffffftt. i think i might cry :(( i want blair to be with chuck so bad. theyre like legends of the worldd. this is pucking frustrating i wanted to strangle him myself if i have the chance!
em EXCUSE ME. if you are a religious person, dont scroll down alright ;).
omg, i get all lovey dovey butterflies-in-the-stomach watching them, oh love love.
i think im obsessed watching them kissing and seducing and playing games. oh, the beautiful scenes~
GOD, i cant wait for season 4. i seriously dont have the strength to wait, please god give me patience sobstsktsk. I WANNA WATCH THE NEXT BLOODY EPISODES or I MIGHT KILL SOMEONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ah. i desperately need to know what happens to Nate and his sex servants or whatever, to Georgina and her pregnancy that she claims was Dan's job, what happens to Ruphus and Lily and the stupid Jenny and Eric? What happens to the oh so beautiful Serena. AND again, fffPffHUCK, WHAT HAPPENS TO CHUCK AND BLAIR?!! i dont want chuck to diee, i need him..
ahaa, this ones funny. i so love chuck that i even love it when he kisses a guy ♥
okay ill stop. but whatever it is, gossip girl is the BEST. Seriously. Seriously as in mother of all the mother fucking seriously, this series will never lose to any other series that have been existed. It has high fashion contents, high qualities of any sorts of perspectives and i LOVE it! now lets just wish season 4 will come out soon!!
i guess im not the only one obsessing them huh?
chuck and blair websites
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